MathChem: A Python Package
For Calculating Topological Indices
Match 71(3) 657-680
Mathchem works with Python 2. First, we will need Python installed.
and type cmd
) run:
c: cd c:\python27 python
Python is already installed on your computer
Install pip the tool for installing and managing Python ~ python
Alternatively, pip can be installed with MacPorts.
sudo port install py27-pip
Mathchem can be installed as a normal Python module or(and) as a Sage module.
The package requires that numpy was installed before.
Before installing Mathchem, let us install numpy and scipy
Run in command line:
python -m pip install mathchem
If we use pip tool, then numpy will be installed automatically.
pip install mathchem
To manually install numpy run in the terminal:
pip install numpy
To manually install scipy run in the terminal:
pip install scipy
Or visit official scipy web-page:
Another option to install numpy and scipy is using MacPorts.
sudo port install py27-numpy py27-scipy
This command will install the full scipy stack but takes more time
sudo port install py27-numpy py27-scipy py27-matplotlib py27-ipython +notebook py27-pandas py27-sympy py27-nose
Check the Sage downloads page:
Unfortunately Sage work only under Unix-like system. It can be run on Windows using virtual machine. To install Virtual Box on Windows follow this link:
See additional instructions: steps 1-4.
Download to your home directory sage-6.1.1-x86_64-Darwin-OSX_10.9_x86_64.dmg
sage -f mathchem-1.1.3.spkgNote for VirualBox: to show terminal window press
right Ctrl + F1
. To switch back to notebook press right Ctrl + F2